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Bolsonaro in the latest poll, 41 percent to 36 percent. da Silva’s popularity was clearly too painful to bear, so Telegram users took refuge in fantasy. “Finally a real poll,” one user said, asserting that an imaginary pollster put Mr Bolsonaro in first place with 65 percent voting intent, compared with 16 percent for his opponent. When the invention of polls fails, you can always stop the race.

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“Fear of international arrest, Lula will give up her candidacy,” someone else claims. The dream was almost touching.īolsonaro’s supporters have another great minion: the Supreme Court, which has opened several investigations into the president, his sons and his allies. On Telegram, this scrutiny was not well received. People accuse the judges publicly defend rapepedophilia, murder, drug trafficking and organ trafficking.

They share a Crafting images of a justice laid with Fidel Castro.

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